

I participated in the 0xl4ugh2024 I solved all forensics challenge,and this is my write-up for most forensics challenges

Gamer - 1


it’s disk so i opened it with MagnetAxiom

in the challenge he said that An employee downloaded an unauthorized app so we will look for browser history


so we look we found that there is suspicous .rar file downloaded from disord we know that it’s name is appmanifest.rar so let’s search about it in disk find . -name "appmanifest*"


so we found it let’s calculate it’s hash sha256sum appmanifest (1).rar we found e29f365335adeea575ae1e592bd50313c38bd89bf9ff6b7f7f06e6377b0661c3 now upload it to virus total to see it’s have malware or not


so we know know that it’s malicious and we got cve of it cve-2023-38831 now we know that this is attacker sent it in discord and it have malware we will analyze it later


now we know that t4r3kk who sent the malicious .rar file to the victim we need to know create time for this user so we use this website and put id 964399437671710790


now we know creation date and id and i did some osint i got the real name of attacker

flag: 0xL4ugh{Discord_1.0.9028_964399437671710790_15-04-2022_05:39:03_IgorDekhtyarchuk}

Gamer - 2


now here we know sha256 of file and we know the cve we got in first question so now we need to know when this is .rar is installed in the system

this is the first time the file is downloaded to system


and the first time it executed


now date_of_execution - date_of_downloading

flag: 0xL4ugh{e29f365335adeea575ae1e592bd50313c38bd89bf9ff6b7f7f06e6377b0661c3_09:39:44_CVE-2023-38831}

Gamer - 4


ok when we searched about malware with find . -name "appmanifest*" we found suspicious file


so i run this script in the virtual machine windows


so from there we got the command and file

flag: 0xL4ugh{NothingSpecial_C:\T3MP\run.bat}

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